Transformational Vet Nursing

A 12-week program to help you empower your vet nurses to reduce veterinarian input on non-critical tasks, increase your number of procedures each day and improve animal outcomes.

The Missing Manual

Look back on years of running your vet practice…

Did you ever attend even one event about how to leverage and empower your vet nurses?

How about how to build consistency in your schedule or increase your profits while working less but also guaranteeing better animal outcomes?

The sad reality is most vet clinic owners today are overbooked, overworked and stuck in a frustrating negative cycle...

Slaves to the "old way" of running a veterinary practice that gives no choice but to keep running in circles to the frustration of both staff and clientele...

The good news is you can learn the skills I've developed in my own successful vet practice to give yourself and your team of vet nurses a truly unfair advantage .

Say goodbye to veterinarians overwork, plateaued income and demotivated vet nurses forever. In this mentoring program, I’ll show you the step-by-step processes to build and secure your practice's profitable and efficient future.

Is This You?

The Transformational Vet Nursing program is specifically designed to empower your vet nurses. It's not right for everyone...
If you think you might be a good fit, this is the fastest way to go from over-controlling your practice and feeling exhausted to working with a productive and effective team on which you can count on to improve animal outcomes.

Vet Nurses

Veterinary Practices

Veterinary Clinic Owners & Managers

This Program IS For People Who:

  • Actively seek to leverage vet nurses to achieve practice tasks traditionally performed by veterinarians

  • Are over-subscribed by client demand for existing services

  • Wish to achieve 20% increase of pay rate for nurses

This Program is NOT For People Who:

  • Look to increase productivity without concurrently increasing the value clients receive from this productivity

  • Want productivity achieved without implementing the necessary changes in their business to set up for success

  • Believes that a veterinary practice revolves around a veterinarians needs, rather than a clients needs

If You're Accepted, Here's An Overview Of The Nine Projects We'll Implement Together In Your TVN Course...

Vet Nursing
With Influence

Explore and outline the tasks and outcomes that nurses can take responsibility for in a vet clinic.

Effective Animal Advocacy

Understand the standards of care, and how to communicate these to a prospective client.

Winning Through Communication

Develop rapport and trust to create the desired outcome without frustration.

Scheduling To Succeed

Find the best way of engaging your clients and team without the daily roadblocks and saboteurs.

Learn Everyday Use Technical Skills

Learn the technical skills that help the animals & vets without waiting for the vet to be ready.

The Day

Find an organised structure to serve and satisfy without being slowed down by time bandits.

Hurdling Client Roadblocks

Avoid and manage the common negative boundaries and expectations from clients.

Mastering Emotional Situations

Identify and understand the emotions that sabotage workplace your and your staff's happiness.

Your Daily

Manage and influence increased productivity without needing help when outcomes go off track.

Transformational Vet Nursing FAQ's


Ian has worked as veterinarian for over 30 years, including owning veterinary practices for 28 years.

He has found one thing to be true – a well organised and well trained veterinary nurse (or technician in USA) is a “vets best friend” and massive asset to any veterinary practice.

Finding no suitable program or course to empower vet nurses to the next level of organisation, training and skillsets, he made his own and used this to help vet nurses he worked with be the best they could be.

This real life training now finds its way to you and your nurses, as an online course.


Each session is live and interactive with coaches that will guide you through our specialised training, to help you you leverage your vet nurses and increase your practice’s profits and animal outcomes.

The coaches really care about you. We want you to succeed and be confident as a vet practice leader. If you fail then we fail and we will do everything in our power to make sure that doesn’t happen and you get the most from the course.

Most other courses aren’t designed specifically for YOU. We have taken feedback from hundreds and hundreds of people and designed this course so that it fits around the best learning practices as well as around your current work requirements.

We have access to some of the best coaches and highly successful vet practice owners, and we want you to have access to them too, which is why we have brought them on to the course as well.


Here’s what you get when you join the program today…


Each session is live and interactive with coaches that will guide you through the process of training your vet nurses and gaining deeper understanding on how to run a thriving vet practice that runs on time and leverages vet nurses.


The coaches really care about you. We want you to succeed and be happy. If you fail then we fail and we will do everything in our power to make sure that doesn’t happen and you get the most from the course.


Most other courses aren’t designed specifically for you. We have taken feedback from hundreds and hundreds of people and designed this course so that it fits around the best learning practices as well as around your lifestyle, no matter how busy you are.


Not only will you have personal access to Ian and his team of awesome coaches, you will be part of a professional community of like-minded vet practice owners and managers all going through the journey together.


Yes, it is. There is zero risk with us as you can test out the program for a full 30 days. If you don’t absolutely love it, you’re free to leave – No questions asked.


No problem. If you have the questions, we most certainly have the answers.

Simply book a free, 15 minute call with a Transformational Vet Nurse advisor on our Book A Call page, and we’ll happily answer any and every question you might have before you know, for sure, that this is right for you.

Mission Statement:
We help frustrated vet practice owners and managers to run highly productive and effective practices incorporating to fullest extent their vet nurses skills to help clients and animals.

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